Jul 7, 2009

Tate's first day of Third Grade

Today was the day. Supplies were bought, a new dress was on, and the belly ache began right after the pancake breakfast she requested. We were both upset that she did not feel well. She didn't want to miss the first day but felt like she would throw up. I was imagining the teacher going over all the rules and introductions without her. Thanks goodness by 10:30 she felt up to going. Once at school there were a few tears and shaky legs. It leads me to believe the belly ache was a case of the third grade nerves. New "boy" teacher, out in the bungalows (fancy word for a double wide) instead of in the building, and the loss of some friends created a party in her tummy. Scott and I walked her in and dropped her off at Art class where her classmates were painting a picture as the teacher read a story aloud. I kept my cell phone nearby all day but did not get a call...thank goodness. At the bus stop, I was so happy to see her waving her hands and smiling. Nerves were gone and she was telling me about the new planner she gets to keep her assignments in, the new "older" playground she gets to play on now, and the new table at lunch. Times are changing. She is really seeming older. Her reactions are more emotional and deep it seems. The secretary said it best...different stages for different ages. Today we will start a new chapter. Sniff, sniff!

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