Oct 26, 2009

Ten Things I Love

1. My girls for being so cute I could eat them up even late at night when I am exhausted and they come downstairs to say cute things that make it so I can't be mad at them.

2.  My husband because he's great and right this moment for helping us get through the sticky tag team deal of managing childcare while Tate is tracked out for three weeks.

3.  My mom for training to walk the OBX half marathon even though she dropped a mirror on her foot at work.  Keep up the good work MOM!

4. My grandfather for being an angel and helping me get a road bike to do more triathlons in the spring and not be at the back of the pack.

5. Ice cream and books because I can think of nothing better to do after 8pm than snuggle on the couch with these two things on my lap.

6. My cat KC for bringing adventure back into the house.  Will he topple the plant today or learn how to get onto the one counter he has not discovered?

7. The flowers of fall still around the lake by our house.  Tate is doing an art project and we have found some great fall flowers (probably just beautiful weeds) to photograph.

8. The feeling of doing of a good deed.  A group of my best friends and I hosted a charity Cornhole tournament yesterday and raised over 1200 dollars for the Caring Community Foundation.  The power of regular people is amazing when you band together.

9.  The holidays...they are coming and I'm getting excited.  Thanksgiving with my brother-in-law and family and thinking of things to buy the girls. 

10. Great friends!  A group of friends from my neighborhood ran the American Tobacco Trail 10 miler on Saturday.  It was so much fun to ride over together and share nerves and jitters and then bask in some great results on a hot humid race day!  Can't wait to do it again in two weeks at the OBX half marathon.

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